HR Practices |
Balasore Alloys is committed to treating its employees with value for human dignity, integrity, openness and fairness. The company believes that its employees are its biggest assets. They are the pillars of the organization. They are the source of its strength, leadership and vitality. Its employees portray the company’s image and values. Balasore Alloys constant effort is to build a warm and friendly atmosphere where every individual is given equal opportunity to grow and contribute to their fullest to the organization.
The crux of the HR policy towards its people is very straightforward. An individual’s success in Balasore Alloys is directly proportional to the Organizations success. It also attaches a lot of importance to issues such as loyalty to the organization, ability to work in a team and flexibility in taking up new assignments.
The company respects and abides by the laws of the land in which it operates. Statutory changes, if any, will automatically supersede the policies, in case any amendment comes which does not co-exist with policies.
Balasore Alloys is an Equal Opportunity Employer and is committed to treating job applicants and employees equally irrespective of color, creed, race, nationality or ethnic origin, sex, marital status, disability or age.
The company values employee contribution towards corporate objectives made possible through fair means consistent with its belief in integrity and collaborative effort.
The company has structurally designed its organization facilitating superior communication, responsiveness and meaningful work at all levels.
The company believes that its management structures defined among other things, boundaries, not barriers would encourage dialogue for clarity, collaboration and resource sharing across Functions / Departments /Groups/Businesses for organizational gain.
The company believes that its compensation structure is designed to attract good talent at all levels at all times. While salary fixation for new recruits would be guided by internal benchmarks corresponding to good or excellent performers, particular circumstances of location, industry, specialization, skill, caliber, track record, etc. could necessitate deviations from such benchmarks by as much as 15-20% as acceptable depending on the job equivalency.
The company endeavors to retain its high performers and those with potential through careful career planning, rewards that motivate continued high performance, meaningful development inputs, opportunities for expression and growth (i.e. in general, through a culture that demands, recognizes rewards and rejoices).
The company’s reward systems are designed to clearly distinguish the achievers – the high performing employees from the rest and motivate employees at all levels to challenge their previous bests. Promotions are recognition of capabilities and consistent superior performance.