Contact information |
Compliance Officer details
Name: Mr. Trilochan Sharma
Designation:Sr.GM & Company Secretary
Email: t_sharma@balasorealloys.com
Phone No.: +91-033-2229 2777
+91-33-3026-505+5055 |
Details of Registrar and Transfer Agent
MCS Limited
(Unit: Balasore Alloys Ltd.)
77/2A, Hazra Road
Kolkata - 700 029, India.
Tel No. : + 91-33-24541892/1893
Fax No.:+ 91-33-24541961
E-mail : mcskol@rediffmail.com |
Mines Office: Chrome Ore
At.& P.O. Dala, Jajpur Road
Dist. Jajpur - 755 019
Tel. No: + 91-6726-224274
Fax No: + 91-6726-224384
Mines Office: Manganese Ore
Vill. Hathoda
P.O. Miragpur
Dt. Balaghat (M.P.) – 481445