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Financial Reports

Year : 2024
Audited Financial Result-31-03-2024 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Results-31-12-2023 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-09-2023 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-06-2023 Download Here
Year : 2023
Audited Financial Result-31-03-2023 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-31-12-2022 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-09-2022 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-06-2022 Download Here
Year : 2022 
Audited Financial Result as on 31.03.2022 
Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-31-12-2021 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-09-2021 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-06-2021 Download Here
Year : 2021 
Audited Financial Result as on 31.03.2021             Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-31-12-2020 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-09-2020 Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-06-2020 Download Here
Year : 2020
Audited Financial Result as on 31.03.2020                     Download Here
Year : 2019
Unaudited Financial Result-31-12-2019                                               
Download Here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-09-2019                              Download here
Unaudited Financial Result-30-06-2019                                 Download here  
Audited Financial Result-31-03-2019                                       Download here 
Year : 2018
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-18
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-18
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-18
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2018                        
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Year : 2017
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-17
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-17
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-17
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2017
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YEAR : 2016
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-16
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-16
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-16

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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2016
Download here
YEAR : 2015
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-15
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-15
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-15
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2015
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YEAR : 2014
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-14
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-14
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-14
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2014
Download here
YEAR : 2013
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-13
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-13
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-13
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2013
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YEAR : 2012
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-12
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-12
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-12
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2012
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YEAR : 2011
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-11
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-11
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-11
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-03-2011
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YEAR : 2010
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-10
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-10
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  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-10
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2010
Download here
YEAR : 2009
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-09
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-09-09
Download here
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 30-06-09
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  • Audited Financial Result-31-03-2009
Download here
YEAR : 2008
  • UAFR For the Quarter Ended 31-12-08
Download here